[Verilog] Basic Concept

2023. 2. 1. 13:01

Lexical Conventions ( 어휘 표기법)

  • Whitespace
    Blank spaces (\n), tabs(\t), and newlines (\n)
  • Comments
    One line : //
    Multiple line : /* */
  • Operator
    1. Unary : operand가 한 개
      ex) ~(not)
    1. Binary : operand가 두 개
      ex) &&, +, - …
    1. Ternary : operand가 세 개
      ex) ? :
  • Number Specification
    1. Sized Number
      <size>’<base format><number>
      12’habc ⇒ 12bit hexadecimal abc( 4 * 3 )
      4’b0000 ⇒ 4 bit binary 0000
    1. Unsized Number
      no <size> and <base format>
      23456 ⇒ 32bit
    1. X or Z values
      X : unknown value ( 값이 존재하는데 모르는 것)
      12’h13x : 0001 0011 xxxx ( x는 0과 1 아무거나 가능)
      Z : high impedance value ( 값이 없는 것 / HW : 선이 끊어진 것을 의미)
    2. Underscore : 가독성을 위한 밑줄 추가 가능


  • Strings
    a sequence of character that are enclosed by double quotes(””)
    “Hello verilog”
  • Identifiers and Keywords
    identifier : names given to objects referenced in designs
    keyword : special identifiers reserved to define the language constructs


Data Types

  • Value Set

위에서 말했듯이 x는 아직 알지 못하는 것 (0과 1 둘다 가능), z는 불가능한 것을 의미한다.

  • Net
    declared with the keyword “wire”
    connection between hardware element → 진짜 말 그대로 전선을 생각하면 쉽다.
wire a;
wire b, c;
wire d= 1'b0;


  • Registers
    declared with the keyword “reg”
    data storage elements and retain value
reg reset;
	reset = 1'b1;
	#100 reset = 1'b0;

100 times가 지난 시점에 reset 값을 1’b1 → 1’b0 로 변경하고 있다.

Do not confuse the term registers in Verilog with hardware registers


  • Vectors ( multiple bit width)
    nets or reg data types → vector로 표현 가능
    [high# : low#] or [low#:high#]
    left number is always MSB of the vector
    1. vector part select
    wire [7:0] bus;
    bus[0:2] //error

    1. vectors (cont’d)
    [starting_bit + : width] → part-selected increasements from starting
    [starting_bit - : width] → part-selected decrements from starting
reg [255:0] data1; //little endian
reg [0:255] data2; //big endian

byte = data1[31-:8]; //data[31:24]
byte = data2[31-:8]; //data[24:31]

//선언할 때 endian에 따라 순서가 결정된다.


  • integer
    general purpose register data type
  • real
    real register data types are declared with the keyword real
  • time
    a time data type is used to save simulation time


  • arrays
    array와 vector는 비슷한 기능을 가지지만 차이점이 있다.
reg [4:0] port_id[0:7]; // 5bit 짜리 reg가 8개
array_4d[0][0][0][0][15:0] = 0; //[15:0] -> part select
  • Memories
    : Memories are modeled as a one-dimensional array of reg
  • Parameters
    constants to be defined in a module by the keyword parameter
    Parameters cannot be used as variable.
    1. local parameters
      keyword : localparam
      define parameters when their values should not be changed
  • String
    can be stored in reg
    each character in the string takes up 8 bits (1byte)

reg [8 * 18 : 1] string_value;
	string_value = "Hello Verilog World";


System Tasks

standard system tasks
appear in the form $<keyword>

  • display
    main system for displaying values of variables // 기본적으로 줄 바꿈을 해줌
$display(p1, p2, p3, ... )
$display("%d", num);
  • monitor
    monitor a signal when its value changes
$monitor($time, "Value of clock : %d " , clock);

//clock의 값이 바뀔 때 마다 출력한다.
  • Stop
    provide to stop during a simulation
  • finish
    terminates the simulation


Compiler Directive

  • define
    used to define text macros in Verilog
    C언어의 #define의 역할과 동일함.
  • include
    include entire contents of a source file in another Verilog file

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